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How moving to SIP Trunking can help you grow your business

by | Jun 22, 2016 | Uncategorised

Although cloud-based Unified Communications solutions have grown in popularity, moving from a legacy system can be costly and overshadow cloud-based solutions’ multiple advantages. Executives find themselves in limbo: Do they wait until it is absolutely vital for the business and invest the money elsewhere, or do they upgrade their telecommunications system now and take advantage of the flexibility, cost-effectiveness and power a cloud-based solution can offer?

This is where SIP trunking comes into play, not only does it allow you to access the same advantages and benefits as a cloud-based system, it is also a cost-effective solution.

Bringing Cloud Benefits to Onsite Phone Systems via SIP trunking

SIP trunking allows companies to benefit from the majority of the cloud’s power and advantages without a complete overhaul of their existing onsite phone systems. SIP trunking is a cost-effective solution to most of your business’ needs and requires little to no IT staff involvement or need for capital expenditures. The only thing that is required to access SIP trunking advantages are a strong internet connection and an excellent provider.

We’ll spare you the technicalities for now, but if you’re really curious, click here to see how SIP trunking works.

What are the key features of SIP trunking?

  • Major cost savings – benefit from more affordable connection, rental and call charges compared to traditional ISDN services. You can also benefit from free site-to-site calls.
  • Geographic flexibility – You will be able to have local phone numbers in any regions, allowing for a better connection to your customers. This will effectively give your business a presence anywhere in the country.
  • Disaster recovery – support your business continuity strategies as alternative routing can be automatically implemented in emergency situations saving money on call-forwarding, which can be a costly solution.
  • Increased scalability – as your business grows, additional call capacity can be added quickly, and in much less time than traditional ISDN services.
  • Increased reliability – Being dependant on your connection with your vendor might seem like a high risk solution. If anything happens to that connection, your system will crash. SIP Trunking allows for seamless access through multiple IP connections with built-in redundancy.
  • Improved employee productivity – Increasing collaboration amongst personnel that are either

We have helped numerous companies migrate to SIP Trunking across the UK and we pride ourselves of only operating with the most experienced and qualified technology providers. This opens the door to an increase in flexibility when in need to upgrade services, cut costs and allow the business to grow at its natural pace – without any constraints in terms of telecommunications.

Learn more about SIP trunking by clicking here or contact us for your free cost savings analysis.